No Day, But Today

“Today is the beginning of tomorrow, and the end of yesterday. Now is the most perfect moment of my life. (Author unknown).”

I’ve procrastinated for so long, watching others follow their dreams, whist telling myself tomorrow, always tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day to pursue my dreams. My Tomorrows turned into weeks, then months and finally years. But despite the failed attempts, the moments of indecisions and the lessons learned, I still believed in my dreams.

Do you believe in Serendipity? Are you surprised that TODAY is the first day, of the first month, of a New Year? What better time to re-evaluate and commit to changing our lives.

At this time of the year, many of us are thinking about making New Year’s Resolutions to change things that haven’t been working for us. Have you made a list of the ways in which you’d like to change your BEHAVIOR and the choices you make EACH DAY?

John Maxwell said “The secret of Success is determined by your daily agenda. What you want to be tomorrow, you’ve got to do today”.

Make a COMMITMENT to the “New You”. You might need some help in staying motivated, so recruit a group of friends, family, or colleague who can help you stay focused and accountable; and who will inspire you on towards your goal.

If you require extra inspiration, follow my blog. Look through my eyes, and see your own journey. This is after all ………OUR story. One of persistence, determination, empowerment, and unwavering resolve to pursue our dreams.

We will stumble, we will at times falter, but we will learn to crawl, walk and when able run, and we will get there by taking one step at a time.

I’m reminded by one of Aesop’s fables, “The Hare and the Tortoise”. The moral of the story, is that you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than acting quickly and carelessly.

What are you going to do DAILY, that will bring about change in your life?

I hope to take you on a journey of self-discovery, inspiring transformation into US becoming the best version of ourselves.

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today” (Malcom X).

What are YOU going to do today, to shape your future?